Friday, November 24, 2023

Day 2,075 - The Big Reveal!!!

Earlier this year, I set out with the purpose of embracing my cancer journey more. Not only that, I wanted to do what I could and help other survivors as well. When I was diagnosed, I felt very isolated because there wasn't anyone I could easily relate to. Sure, I could find all the info on what to expect regarding chemo side effects and the obviously outdated statistics for my cancer at the time. However, I couldn't find anyone I could easily look up to and say, "They've been in my shoes and know what I'm currently going through." I mean, no two cancers will have the same story or experience, but many share common elements that tend to be swept under the rug. So, I wanted to get my story out there and have my voice heard.

In addition to attending a young adult cancer camp this summer (see the blog post regarding that), I decided to do an interview with The Patient Story in the hopes that sharing my cancer story would connect with others whose place I've been in. My story is one that defied the odds, and I want to show others that they are more than just a statistic and that there is always hope. So I sat down with a journalist and went into great detail about the three-year battle I had been through.

Today, that interview has been published for anyone to see, and I'm so proud of how it turned out. They did a good job trying to condense everything into one video. Although they covered most of this journey, I intend to use my blog to go into detail regarding the not-so-common experiences and answer any questions left in the comments. Here is the link to the interview with the link to the full interview transcript in the video's description:

So, with that said, until I pop back on here with my next blog post.....

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Day 2,074 - Learning to (Not) Be Silent

 When I was in my sophomore year in high school, I decided to take a leap of faith and pursue a passion of mine by trying out for the drama club for the first time. I auditioned for the spring musical Footloose, and although I gave it my all, I didn't quite have high expectations. Sophomores typically don't get major roles as those are typically reserved for the seniors in the drama club. However, to everyone's surprise, I landed the role of Vi Moore (the preacher's wife) with lines and musical numbers, including my own solo. I was welcomed into the drama club with open arms, and my time with the Midnight Players marks one of the best moments of my life. I made so many friends and felt so much love and energy that I would stay in the auditorium practicing dance moves until it got dark outside. 

Yes that is me on the right...don't I look thrilled? lol! Seriously, this musical was so much fun though!

I know what you must be thinking...why am I reminiscing about the "good ol' days" of high school? Well, when I played this particular character in this musical, I had a trio number called "Learning to be Silent." In the song, I talk about how I want to hold my tongue and avoid conflict by staying out of arguments and keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself so as not to upset anyone. Now, "high-school-me" couldn't understand for the life of her what that really meant. I was that obnoxious loudmouth who always had something to say and loved chiming into arguments that were about subjects I was passionate about. Even in the classroom growing up, I was called the "Hermione Granger" of my history class because I insisted on correcting my teachers when they mispronounced European names like Lafayette or Alexei. I was chatting and giggling up a storm if I wasn't singing backstage. This teenage version of me felt too comfortable to hold anything back. Learning to be silent felt like a skill I would never achieve...until the reaper started knocking on my door. 

From the moment I graduated high school until recently, I slowly began hiding more and more of my true self. Especially after receiving a death sentence, not once but twice from medical professionals, I saw life slipping away. I felt like cancer, in particular, snatched too much from me that I had very little to hold onto anymore. I lost my hair, my fertility, my confidence, my identity, and almost my future. Despite that, I felt like I needed to internalize a lot of this struggle because I saw the impact it had on the people I love. I lost people who used to be so close to me for years simply because they couldn't handle the problem I had no control over. I also felt like I was a constant burden whenever I spoke up and expressed what was on my mind; I still feel that way sometimes. 

However, in the last couple of years, I've really been working towards tearing down the mental walls I've built over a decade. It's been a work in progress to open up again and develop that trust with others, and it's part of the reason I decided to hop back on to my blog. It's not only a great outlet, but it helps put out a message for anyone else who might be going through something similar. Whether they were just diagnosed, in treatment, or post-treatment...this blog is here to say, "I see you, and you're not alone in this fight."

When I looked back on old posts in my blog, I realized that for almost the entire first year of my cancer ordeal, I didn't post anything. This was because I was confident that it would just be a blip in my timeline and that life would just go back to normal...even though "normal" is not really a thing one can ever really achieve after a diagnosis, unfortunately. I'm a bit bummed that I left out so much valuable information regarding those early days. So, I will make it a mission for the upcoming blog posts to reflect and give insight into those early days. I'll keep it light, bubbly, and fun while being authentic and informative regarding my experiences. And to welcome this new era of my blog, I decided to do something incredibly daring. I can't talk about it yet, but once all the beans have spilled, I'll share the news with you all in a new post!! So until then...I hope you all are having a lovely turkey holiday if you celebrate it!