Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I Was Prepared

Today's post is going to be a short one as I'm still really upset by this recent bit of news. Friday, my oncologist scheduled me for a last minute PET scan to see if I was still ready to go into transplant in a week. I just got the results back today. Apparently, there was some small amount of growth that occurred during my travels. It's small but enough for my transplant doctor to deem it unsafe to go through with transplant just yet. So my oncologist suggests doing two more rounds of chemotherapy (6 weeks) and trying another PET scan after that. If I respond to treatment, I will see if a transplant is still an option late November. If for some reason I don't respond and my body has once again become immune to treatment, then I will have one last option which is the clinical trial that I was looking into at the beginning of the year.

I'm very distressed and upset with this. I have no regrets about traveling because it put me in the right frame of mind going into a transplant; I needed it mentally. I hadn't seen family in over 10 years. However, I'm upset with this stupid cancer because I was prepared for the next step. I was ready to fight. I was ready. This ruins all my plans. I feel bad because I also started enlisting help from friends and family to be caregivers during the remainder of the year. I was about to start packing. I knew what was going to happen and was ready. But after missing only one treatment, everything is put on hold...again.

I will keep writing here...but I think I need time to process this bit of horrible news.

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