It wasn't until I hit my late teens that I started to truly cherish the rain. Nowadays I love everything about it. The smell of the air just as it starts to pitter-patter and the sound of rolling thunder in the distance. The joy of stepping outside barefoot in the pouring rain as you walk around in the puddles...rain boots were never my style. And as your hair starts dripping to the point when you look like you're happy crying, you just start dancing like no one's watching!
I spent most of today running errands, getting my blood work done for my biopsy, and paying bills. The moment I got home and stepped out of the car I looked up and the clouds were sweeping in. The smell of the oncoming storm was overwhelming. My doctor would probably kill me for what I did next and my neighbors probably thought I was crazy...but I took the opportunity that nature gave and decided to have some fun. I splashed through the puddles and ran up and down the driveway. I spun in circles while laughing ridiculously. I kinda felt like Liesl from The Sound Of Music dancing in the rain.
Maybe it's because I'm a spontaneous extrovert. Maybe it's because I look for adventure when my life gives me troubles. Or maybe I just like to rebel at what life gives me and to make it my own. Lately my perspective has definitely grown in the fact that I try to notice the little victories and blessings every moment of every day. Don't get me wrong...there are definitely moments where I feel low, alone, and I go through a box of tissues in the span of a day. There are days when I feel trapped like the younger me on a dismal rainy day. But every rainy day has it's perks and there's always something to make you smile and be thankful for.

So the next time it rains and you are stuck inside...or the next time you feel like there was no point to the day...or you feel low in general...change it! Make today your day! Find something to do that will bring you joy despite the gloom. Embrace the rain clouds you've been given and make the best of it. And at the end of the day, count your roses among the thorns. I guarantee you'll look back and smile.
"And rain...will make the flowers grow!" -Eponine from Les Miserables
I love this one <3