Saturday, July 16, 2016

Quite The Setback

I don't really know how to start this post besides saying I didn't see this coming. I mean I had my worries that my cancer would come back farther down the line, but I don't think anything could have prepared me for the news I received after this PET scan I had at the beginning of the week. This scan was supposed to be the green light towards my bone marrow transplant. It was supposed to show me either in remission or on the way to remission. Sadly that wasn't the case for me. Despite the immunotherapy, which is supposed to be highly effective for cases like me, it isn't working to the highest degree. It's successfully killing off the cancer cells that showed up at the beginning of the year, but at the same time new progressions of cancer are forming during my treatment. I'm in that 1% of unsolved cases again. It's beginning to appear obvious that my body is seriously trying to kill me.

My oncologist has no explanation for why this is happening and I have to go in for my THIRD neck lymph node biopsy in a couple weeks. This biopsy is to see if my cancer has mutated into some kind of hybrid which can happen in rare cases of my immunotherapy treatment. In the meantime I continue to do the same treatment since it's not killing me and partially working. After the biopsy my doctor will determine what treatment to proceed with...whether it's a different drug, a mix of my previous chemo and immunotherapy, a five day infusion of a harsher chemo, or a clinical trial and hope for the best. At the moment my bone marrow transplant is now postponed until who knows when since you can't get a transplant until you are in remission. I had just started getting my head around the transplant process and had the mentality of "well this time next year it will all be over with" I'm back at square one.

I spent the first day after receiving this news just bawling my eyes out. Now I'm going through a stage of anger and disappointment with my body. I've already wasted almost two years to this curse of an illness...while everyone around me is going on with their lives (finishing school, working, getting married, having families) I'm stuck in some sort of limbo. All the while everyone is giving me the broken record of "stay positive" and "you'll get better" but after hearing this twice and getting disappointed both times, I find it really hard to let that sink in again. I hate feeling defeated and being forced to pick myself up again. So I'm not going to look at this like I'm definitely going to be cured. Don't get me wrong, I want to be in remission, but I can no longer look to the future like I had been. This is now a war that needs to be taken one day at a time until I win...and I will win.

So now I'm making weekly plan sheets where I plan out each day with what I can do in terms of my energy. Most of the days I will spend studying, reading, watching documentaries, compose music, and learning everything I can. If I can't go back to school any time soon then I'll study at home. And even though my social life is diminishing slowly, I'll do what I can to stay upbeat. I will try to get more involved with my support group and other activities they can offer while I'm still feeling ok. I even found a children's hospice not far from town that I am looking to volunteer at and hand out my Happy Bags. I might even bring my ukulele and plunk out some tunes. Haha! My oncologist told me that not just being positive helps defeat cancer but having a sense of humor is key. If I can keep my attitude up and make others smile, laugh, or have a good time then that can help them AND me. I need to maintain this and as long as I do, cancer can't get the best of me. And as I've said before, my motto in life is a quote by Charlie Chaplin...."A day without laughter is a day wasted." Let's not waste any day we have. If you spread joy then you reap joy. Just something I think we can all work on during such struggling times.

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