"The scan results show an almost complete response, with very little cancer activity detected. This is very surprising as you have only had one treatment and the scan having been done only a week after. I'm moving your next chemo date up to this Monday and I need you to go get your bloodwork done sometime this weekend. I don't even think it's necessary for you to repeat the scan as I'm sure you will be in a remission following one more cycle of this chemo. I will reach out to the transplant team at Johns Hopkins to see if you can get a transplant within the next few weeks. Congratulations!"
I was at a loss for words and only managed to utter a thank you before the conversation ended. I took a minute to process before staggering up the two flights of stairs to tell my dad and sister the news. The transplant is a go!!!! The pains of this chemo and the risk I took were worth it entirely!! I received news that many people thought would never happen. The odds weren't even in my favour and still, I was determined to seek the impossible! And I succeeded!
Needless to say, my faith has been restored through this news, and I'm so proud of myself for making the decision I did. It was all worth it in the end. All of it! Now I have to scramble yet again to find caregivers and rush to get the necessary appointments needed to proceed. I'm potentially looking at a transplant this next month so I have to act fast. But for today...I intend on celebrating the news and letting it sink in...I might just have a new lease on life.
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